"Solid and immaculate, predicted on the horror and finality of the Manhattan Project and constantly invoking that theme as an almost Wagnerian leitmotif...this is a powerful, upsetting book by one of the best writers of his generation, a love story smitten with the grandeur of high physics."
—Boston Phoenix
“Morrow’s latest novel aims to map America’s coming of age, and finds a resonant theme in the links between World War II and Vietnam, Los Alamos and Laos, Hiroshima and the fall of Saigon. His prose is extraordinarily sensitive and powerful.”
—The Philadelphia Inquirer
“Visionary and bold. Like all excellent fiction, Trinity Fields raises vital questions.... Brilliant with description, memorable scenes and haunting settings, Morrow etches his key novel’s moments in a reader’s mind, persuading us to feel what he has imagined. A valuable book.”
—The Portland Oregonian
“Magnificent, a masterpiece. Morrow's classic characters embody all of us, this whole country, and all of our experiences in the last few decades. One of the finest books I’ve read in a long, long time.”
—Robert Olen Butler
“Astonishing in its breadth and vision.”
—The Boston Globe
“A big, bold novel. What is best about this book is Morrow’s insightful use of a turbulent political era as background for a believable story of male friendship.”
—Esquire (UK)
“Brice, the narrator, has the same endearing quality of Fitzgerald’s Nick in The Great Gatsby as he recounts the power and majesty of his charismatic friend Kip. This is familiar territory, yet from Morrow’s pen, the story takes on a freshness, a translucent glow. Gripping and believable, this is a book of great breadth and vision.”
—Birmingham Post (UK)
“Morrow's prose flows with the stately inevitability of the Mississippi. Present and past rock back and forth in a dreamy, seamless, whole. In beautifully cadenced prose, Morrow takes the measure of a lifelong friendship from youthful innocence to the compassion born of maturity. This is his most striking achievement.”
—New York Newsday
“Bradford Morrow has produced a spectacular success—the best novel written about the generation that was born at Hiroshima, came of age in Vietnam, and went crazy in the ‘80s and 90's. An exciting piece of work. Every American should read it.”
—Hayden Carruth
“Trinity Fields takes us on a bold and rapturous journey along a dizzying path that stretches from 1950s Los Alamos through 1970 Laos to the present. Morrow’s passionate storytelling in the grand tradition keeps you turning its pages; his exquisitely detailed observations keep you pausing to savor their insight. Trinity Fields is quite simply a major event.”
—John Guare
"A novel about growing up, about friendship, about Vietnam and Hiroshima and the landscape of America this past century, Trinity Fields is brilliant. A realistic narrative whose splendid evocation of thoughtful adolescence evokes L. P. Hartley’s The Go-Between and John Knowles’ A Separate Peace, Trinity Fields is also a highly symbolic novel. To make [a book] as rich, as dramatically real and as poignantly felt as Morrow has is a remarkable feat.”
—Chicago Tribune
“Trinity Fields is a big, ambitious book whose characters are people as well as potent symbols, and whose tragic sense of American in war and peace is tellingly realized in writing of great resonance and beauty. It is a scale of vision displayed by few novelists writing today.”
—Publishers Weekly (Boxed starred review)
“Trinity Fields is harrowing, redemptive, deeply American, Conradian in its moral force. Its ultimate vision is of the horror most of us still refuse to admit and the beauty most of us are unable to see.”
—John Hawkes
“A literate, ambitious and masterfully crafted work...Morrow's themes are the destructiveness of war and the fragility of human relationships—especially the effect the former can have on the latter. He delves into the complexities and contradictions of America during the past fifty years.”
—Detroit Free Press
"Morrow's assiduous probing of the intricacies of moral choice hit us where we live—or ought to live."
—The New York Times Book Review
“Riveting. Bradford Morrow didn’t grow up in Los Alamos, but you couldn’t prove it by me. Trinity Fields has claimed him as one of our own. Don’t miss it.”
—The Los Alamos Monitor